Privacy Policy

We do not use user data to personalize the experience on our website. We use it to help users login and understand how our website is used.

We are currently in the process of migrating our default domain to be to provide wider access to our website. will be the default domain.

We use basic Google Analytics information to understand how our users use our website and view digital exhibitions on the platform. We use Google OAuth to make it easier for users to login. We use the login with Google information to create an account to access the resources on our site. That's it--we do not use information to personalize the experience or market resources to users in any way. We only use them as a basic service to make our website easier to use.

Our blog is built with Wordpress at We send emails with Google Workspace and Postmark.

It's deeply important to us that the cultures that are displayed on our platform have the protection that they need online.

We strive to keep things as simple as possible to ensure that the exhibitions that are represented are fully protected.

Who we are

Mused is created by Luke Hollis, software engineer and 3d capture; Rishab Nanda, 3d artist; Tessa Litecky, Exhibition Designer; and Talya Stanke, Archivist.